I recommend this particular book (for its general concepts/strategy) on my blog site and feel a need to let any readers here know about these proceedings.
On September 5, 2012, "...The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged a nationally syndicated radio personality and financial advice author for spreading misleading information about his “Buckets of Money” strategy at a series of investment seminars that he and his company hosted for potential clients...."
If you would like to read more about this at the SEC site, here is the link:
More importantly, on December 6, 2013, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission posted an Initial Decision on Remand that begins as follows:
If you would like to read the entire case, here is the link:
In a recent (2014) Journal of Financial Planning article, a survey was cited that about 28% of financial advisors use a time-based segmentation strategy - similar to Ray Lucia's concepts. That is, of placing several years of investments in safe investments (cash, for example), then another set of investments to cover a few more years. Finally, a portion is invested in stocks that would, if needed, be allowed to grow through more difficult times while the safer investments are used up.
The strategy of time-based segmentation is not in question and I, personally, like the approach as it is easy to understand and allows the retiree, especially, a little breathing room when markets are down.